Bulletproof backpacks in America are robbed by parents Nov 18, 2022
    On June 8, it was reported by the New York Post on the 7th that after the school shooting in Youvaldi, Texas, the United States, American parents were panic buying bulletproof backpacks, leading to a surge in sales of related products, with prices as high as 400 dollars.
Angelica Azpetia, a 42 year old student's parent, said in an interview with the media: "With a gun, shooting can happen anywhere. Anyone can get a weapon." Azpetia is buying bulletproof backpacks for her 16-year-old son and 4-year-old daughter, which is not an exception.
    The CEO of a company that sells bulletproof equipment said that the sales of the company's related equipment had soared by 800% recently. Another company that makes bulletproof plates that can be put into backpacks said that their sales increased by 300%. A bulletproof equipment sales company told the media: "We have been paying attention to campus training and safety, but unfortunately, people will think of bulletproof equipment only after the tragedy."
    As for the usefulness of relevant equipment, some critics doubt that children will not wear it in class, and these equipment can only protect part of the body. Greeley, a former teacher, said: "(Buying bulletproof equipment) is like putting a Band Aid on a wound, expecting it to cure the symptoms, but ignoring the root cause of the problem.

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